Stocks as an Income Stream

March 16, 2018By Justin FinnIncome, Investing, Stocks

Why would anyone put their hard-earned money into stocks? You could be more conservative with your decision and put the funds in your checking account or preferably a savings account at the bank. FDIC deposit insurance protects you up to $250,000 per depositor (account holder), per insured bank. In the stock market, there really aren’t … Read More

S&P 500, Diversification, and Baseball

February 23, 2018By Justin FinnInvesting

The cover of Sports Illustrated, Centerfielders, Pitchers, Quarterbacks, Fighter pilots, Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Rock, Oprah, Warren Buffett…. We can all visualize and think of the greats when benchmarking a person or company. How do they measure up, right? Nike and Phil Knight, Facebook and Zuckerberg, Microsoft and Gates. If you dig deeper and read about … Read More