The game is changing

We help you keep your eye on the ball

The money and opportunity to go pro are amazing–but it’s not why you got into the game all those years ago. It was the love of the game. The perfect crack of the bat. Playing catch and the sounds of baseballs popping into gloves. The emotional high of a team win and giving dusty, celebratory high fives.

You loved it all, so you persevered, and your grit and determination got you where you are today–about to play on a whole new level. And while you are focused on smashing your athletic goals from the minor leagues to MLB, Finn Wealth will be focused on you, with an investment strategy designed for your long term success and victory.

Breaking it all down

The signing bonus reality check

Getting your signing bonus check is an exciting moment. In possession of a check that size, it's easy to picture yourself in a brand new ride or a P-Diddy sized yacht. But hold on a minute.

Required Expenses
  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Taxes
  • Food
  • Equipment
  • Agent/Sports Advisor

Recommended Expenses:

  • Nutritionist
  • Trainer
  • Accountant
  • Wealth Advisor
  • Attorney
  • Manager
  • Insurance

Additional Expenses:

  • Dinner/Drinks
  • Vacations
  • Wedding
  • Family

That signing bonus will only last you so long
Unless you make it work for you. We are not talking retirement planning–the principle is all about ensuring that you’re financially supported through the earliest years of your professional sports career.




Getting you to the next contract

The 5-year income stretch for every minor leaguer

When we talk about preparing you for financial success, we’re not talking about your retirement. Our approach is a 5-year goal aimed at helping you navigate your way from the signing bonus to the next, bigger contract.

We develop a personalized game plan based on your monthly financial needs. Our strategy takes into account how much of your signing bonus remains after taxes and any other expenditures. While you work toward your next, bigger contract, you’ll need to drawdown on your investment account for monthly expenses. We combine the signing bonus with the monthly salary you receive from your major league organization to arrive at your monthly budget.

We then review how your investments will be managed and allocated to the appropriate risk/investment portfolio for your overall success. Once we have agreed on a plan, our job at Finn Wealth Advisors is to execute this strategy.

We can be as hands-on or hands-off as you like, but when you partner with Finn Wealth Advisors for your financial management, we think of you and your family like our family. We remain in touch with our clients, attending games and scheduling investment reviews. Our goal is to support you through your athletic career.

Home Base - Finn Wealth Management

Welcome home

Wherever your professional or personal life takes you, we're here to support you. Providing guidance throughout your journey to help you reach your goals with smart, sound investment management.

Strategic investing

Leveraging diversification and allocation

The most important decision an investor has to make is not which investment to buy, but how to diversify and allocate assets based on factors like life goals, personal attitude toward investing, life events, and risk tolerance.

Finn Wealth Advisors helps guide you through this decision with a strategic planning process, which includes:

  • Goal-Based Investing
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Investment Portfolio Creation
  • Security Selections
  • Risk Management
  • Money Allocation

Led by a passion for sports

Meet Justin Finn, founder of Finn Wealth Advisors

“Growing up, I never missed a game on television. And when I wasn't watching, I was on the fields with my friends chasing down our dreams. As a teenager, my interests shifted to include stocks, investments and finances. Now, I’m proud to merge my passions for both the financial world and the sports world to offer investment advisory services to gifted athletes.

Finn Wealth Advisors adheres to a fiduciary standard, which simply means we put our clients’ interests before our own financial interest. As an investment advisor representative at Secure Planning, Inc.*, I bring more than 17 years of experience in the financial industry to Finn Wealth Advisors. I’m a Portsmouth, NH native, and have long been an active part of the community. In 2015, I was named to the New Hampshire Union Leader’s Forty Under 40 list, and I'm a proud recipient of The Rotary Foundation Of Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow.”

Schedule a conversation with Justin to see if his services and personality are a fit for your needs. An initial review is always complimentary - it's Justin's way of thanking you for your conversation.

*Finn Wealth Advisors is a division of Secure Planning, Inc. launched in 2017 founder Justin Finn’s love of sports and investments led him to this creation. The Secure Planning, Inc. ADV Disclosure brochure provides clients and prospective clients with information about Secure Planning and its advisory services that should be considered before becoming a client.  This brochure has been prepared by Secure Planning, Inc. 

Finn Wealth Advisors is committed to charitable giving and helping create and foster safe, friendly communities like the one we are proud to work in and call home. Some organizations we support include:


Insights for athletes and their futures

Reach the next level with peace of mind.

Playing for keeps.